The wellbeing of students, staff and families is important to our community. We care for and support each other in a variety of ways.
Useful sites:
We are a BeYou School. BeYou is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children.
BeYou is led by Beyond Blue with delivery partners Early Childhood Australia and Headspace. Both partners have local teams of trained consultants to provide advice and support to early learning services and schools nationally to help implement a whole-learning community approach growing Australia’s most mentally healthy generation.
BeYou provides the methods, tools and support to help schools work with parents and carers, health services and the wider community, to nurture happy, balanced kids. An Action Team of parents and staff working together, implements this framework. Staff teach Social-Emotional Learning programs in every year.

Rock and Water
The Rock and Water program is an experience that provides young people and adults a pathway to self-awareness, and increased self-confidence and social functioning. In Rock and Water a series of exercises and games are practised to develop confidence and self-reflection. The games are martial arts based, and students learn to block, hit strike shields, stand strong, negotiate using “rock” or “water” verbal approaches, walk away from a fight, consider alternatives to aggression, and develop understandings about who they are, their intuitive feelings and their personal direction.
Stop, Think, Do!
The Stop, Think, Do! program forms the basis of our behaviour management education. Students from the earlier years are taught to notice how their choices are affecting themselves and others, then how to stop and think of other actions if a change is needed. We support them to 'do' that better choice and be resilient and conciliatory about any consequence from earlier actions.
Student Welfare Officer
Mrs Tash Barrenger is our Student Welfare Officer under the National School Chaplaincy Program 2020-2022. She has completed study in Community Services, Community Development and Youth Work. Mrs Barrenger works with groups of children as identified by teachers, to build their social skills, resilience and self-confidence, using games, role-play and talk. She is part of the BeYou Action Team and connects children and families to support networks. As Welfare Officer, Mrs Barrenger can be approached by teachers, students and parents to support everyday interactions.
Seasons for Growth
This program aims to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people (aged 6-18) who are dealing with major life changes including death, separation and divorce and other significant losses. We offer this program annually. Mrs Barrenger and Mrs Lustri will run ‘Seasons for Growth’. Parents need to enrol your child in this program.
School Counsellor
A School Counsellor from CatholicCare is available each week. Referrals can be made by staff and parents. A referral form is available from the Catholiccare Link. Parents and carers will always need to give written permission for the counsellor to spend time with your child.

Raising Great Kids
We subscribe to a number of programs which offer parents, carers and staff support and ideas. Webinars, resources and other support materials are shared through our newsletter and facebook pages.
A wide ranging resource from the Australian Childhood Foundation is linked below or visit the websites linked at the top of the page.
We operate a buddy system across the school, connecting younger students with older students. Buddy classes visit each other for activities including art, reading and going to mass.
Peer Support
Peer Support is a social skills program, grouping students of all ages with a Year 6 leader. Placing students at the centre of their learning, Peer Support empowers them with practical skills and strategies to positively navigate life and relationships.
As a SunSmart school we create sun safe environments and influence sun protection behaviours through education, policy and role modelling.